School Administrators of Montana

SAM Board Meetings 2021-22

SAM Board Meetings 6-9-22

Agendas for the meetings are posted below for your review.

Thursday, June 9th Schedule of Events

  • 8:00am - 9:00am - SAM Investment/Finance Committee Meeting (Current SAM Executive Board: Cal Ketchum, Shelley Andres, Dale Olinger, Greg Dern, Shawn Hendrickson, Nicole Trahan, Everett Holm, Erin Lipkind, and Sara Novak)

  • 9:00am - 10:00 am - SAM New Board Member Orientation (Current SAM Executive Board (listing above) and Incoming SAM Board Members - Mark Goyette, Kelly Kinsey, Rhiannon Beery, and Carol Phillips)

  • 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm - SAM Evening of Excellence (All Current and Incoming SAM Board Members are invited to attend)

For those of you participating in SAM Delegate Assembly, Caucuses are scheduled for June 9th from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm with the full Delegate Assembly meeting on June 10th from 8:00 am - Noon. An RSVP for Delegate Assembly was sent earlier today in a separate email. 

SAM Board Meeting 3-22-22

SAM Executive Board Meeting 3-14-22 (SAM Officers and President of each affiliate)

SAM Executive Board Meeting Confidential Agenda 3-14-22

SAM Board Meeting 3-22-22

SAM Board Meeting Agenda 3-22-22

SAM Board Meeting 1-23-22

SAM Board Web Meeting 10-21-21

SAM Board Meetings 2020-21

SAM Board Meeting 6-10-21

8:00 am SAM Investment and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda 6-10-21

9:00 am SAM New Board Members Orientation Meeting Agenda 6-10-21

10:00 am SAM Board Meeting Agenda 6-10-21

Meeting Recording

SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 6-10-21

SAM Board Virtual Meeting 3-23-21

Meeting Recording

SAM Board Virtual Meeting DRAFT Minutes 3-23-21

SAM Board Virtual Meeting Agenda 3-23-21

SAM Executive Board Virtual Meeting 3-15-21

SAM Executive Board Meeting Confidential Agenda 3-15-21 Scheduled for 1:00 - 4:00 pm

SAM Board Virtual Meeting 1-20-21

Meeting Recording
SAM Board Virtual Meeting DRAFT Minutes 1-20-21
SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting Agenda 1-20-21
SAM Board Virtual Meeting Agenda 1-20-21

SAM Board Virtual Meeting 10-14-20

Meeting Recording
SAM Board Virtual Meeting DRAFT Minutes 10-14-20
SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting Agenda 10-14-20
SAM Board Virtual Meeting Agenda 10-14-20

2019-20 SAM Board Meetings

SAM Board Virtual Meeting 6-11-20

Meeting Recording
SAM Board Virtual Meeting DRAFT Minutes 6-11-20

8:00 am SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting Agenda 6-11-20

9:00 am SAM New Board Member Orientation Agenda 6-11-20

10:00 am SAM Board Virtual Meeting Agenda 6-11-20
                SAM Board Web Meeting DRAFT Minutes 5-13-20

SAM Board Web Meeting 5-13-20

SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 5-13-20

SAM Board of Directors Web Meeting Agenda 5-13-20

SAM Board Web Meeting 4-9-20 (rescheduled)

SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 4-9-20

SAM Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 4-9-20

SAM Executive Board Web Meeting 4-2-20 (rescheduled)

SAM Executive Board Meeting Confidential Agenda 4-2-20

SAM Executive Board Web Meeting 3-13-20

SAM Executive Board Meeting Agenda 3-13-20

Draft message to Conference Attendees

SAM Board Meeting 1-26-20

SAM Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes 1-26-20
SAM Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 1-26-20

SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting DRAFT Minutes 1-26-20
SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting Agenda 1-26-20

SAM Board Leadership Web Meeting 11-26-19

The meeting begins at 10:30 AM via UberConference.

SAM Board Leadership Web Meeting DRAFT Minutes 11-26-19
Meeting Recording
SAM Board Leadership Web Meeting Agenda 11-26-19

SAM Board Meeting 10-17-19

SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 10-17-19
SAM Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 10-17-19
SAM Policy Proposed Revision - SAM Travel Allowance Policy ADdemdum A p.17 - SAM Board Consideration 10-17-19

SAM Board Leadership Web Meeting 7-22-19

The meeting begins at 1:00 PM via UberConference.

SAM Board Leadership Web Meeting Agenda 7-22-19

2019-20 SAM Board Meetings

SAM Board Virtual Meeting 6-11-20

Meeting Recording
SAM Board Virtual Meeting DRAFT Minutes 6-11-20

8:00 AM SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting Agenda 6-11-20

9:00 AM SAM New Board Member Orientation Agenda 6-11-20

10:00 AM SAM Board Virtual Meeting Agenda 6-11-20
                SAM Board Web Meeting DRAFT Minutes 5-13-20

SAM Board Web Meeting 5-13-20

SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 5-13-20

SAM Board of Directors Web Meeting Agenda 5-13-20

SAM Board Web Meeting 4-9-20 (rescheduled)

SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 4-9-20

SAM Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 4-9-20

SAM Executive Board Web Meeting 4-2-20 (rescheduled)

SAM Executive Board Meeting Confidential Agenda 4-2-20

SAM Executive Board Web Meeting 3-13-20

SAM Executive Board Meeting Agenda 3-13-20

Draft message to Conference Attendees

SAM Board Meeting 1-26-20

SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 1-26-20
SAM Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 1-26-29

SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting DRAFT Minutes 1-26-20
SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting Agenda 1-26-20

SAM Board Leadership Web Meeting 11-26-19

The meeting begins at 10:30 AM via UberConference.

SAM Board Leadership Web Meeting DRAFT Minutes 11-26-19
Meeting Recording
SAM Board Leadership Web Meeting Agenda 11-26-19

SAM Board Meeting 10-17-19

SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 10-17-19
SAM Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 10-17-19
SAM Policy Proposed Revision - SAM Travel Allowance Policy Addendum A p. 17 - SAM Board Consideration 10-17-19

SAM Board Leadership Web Meeting 7-22-19

The meeting begins at 1:00 PM via UberConference.

SAM Board Leadership Web Meeting Agenda 7-22-19

2018-19 SAM Board Meetings

SAM Board Meeting 6-13-19

Meeting begins at 10:00 am at the SAM Office or via UberConference
SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 6-13-19
SAM Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 6-13-19

SAM Investment/Finance Committee Report
SAM Financial report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 6-1-2019 with Proposed FY 2019-20 Budget

MASS Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 6-1-19 with Adopted FY 2019-20 Budget
MAEMSP Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 18-19 as of 6-1-2019 with Adopted FY 2019-20 Budget
MASSP Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 6-1-2019 with Adopted FY 2019-20 Budget
META Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 18-19 as of 6-1-2019 with Adopted FY 2019-20 Budget
Investment Committee Balance Report FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 6-1-19 - Affiliate Breakdown
Jules Waber Estate Distribution to SAM Youth Endowment Letter

SAM New Board Member Orientation Meeting 6-13-19

Meeting begins at 9:00 am at the SAM Office or via UberConference
SAM New Board Member Orientation Agenda 6-13-19

SAM Board Meeting 4-5-19

SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 4-5-19
SAM Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 4-5-19
SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Agenda 4-5-19
SAM Board Exec Dir Update 4-5-19
SAM Youth Endowment Distribution Policy Proposed Revisions 4-5-19

SAM Investment/Finance Committee Reports
SAM Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 3-31-2019 with Proposed FY 2019-20 Budget
SAM LPLP FY 13-14 through FY 18-19 Profit-Loss
SAM AI Profit-Loss Historical FY 2015-16 to FY 2018-19
MCEL Historical Profit-Loss FY 14-15 -- FY 18-19
MASS Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 3-31-19 with Proposed FY 2019-20 Budget
MASSP Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 3-31-2019 with Proposed FY 2019-20 Budget
MAEMSP Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 18-19 as of 3-31-2019
MCASE Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 3-31-2019
META Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 18-19 as of 3-31-2019 with Proposed FY 2019-20 Budget
Investment Committee Balance Report FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 3-31-2019

SAM Executive Board Meeting 3-19-19

SAM Executive Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 3-19-19
SAM Executive Board Meeting DRAFT Agenda 3-19-19

SAM Board Meeting 1-27-19

SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 1-27-19
SAM Board Meeting Agenda 1-27-19
SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Agenda 1-27-19
SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 10-18-18
SAM Business Meeting DRAFT Minutes 10-19-18
        2018-19 Montana District/School Leadership Staffing Report
        SAM Office Transition and Restructure 2019
        SAM Board Exec Dir Update 1-27-19
Executive Director Strategic Plan 2018-22 Report 2nd Qtr 2018-19 1-27-19
Membership Report
Montana Supreme Court Decision on Espinoza et al
MAEMSP Federal Relations Report 
2018-19 SAM Conference - Meeting Schedule
2018-19 SAM and Affiliate Board Meeting Schedule

SAM Investment/Finance Committee 1-27-19

SAM Investment_Finance Committee Meeting DRAFT Minutes 1-27-19
SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting Agenda 1-27-19
DA Davidson Investment Report to SAM Board 1.27.19
SAM Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 12-31-2018
    2018 MCEL Profit-Loss
    SAM LPLP FY 13-14 through FY 18-19 Profit-Loss
MASS Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 12-31-18
MAEMSP Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 18-19 as of 12-31-2018
MASSP Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 12-31-2018
MCASE Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 12-31-2018
META Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 18-19 as of 12-31-2018  

SAM Board Meeting 10-18-18

SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 10-18-18

SAM Board Meeting Agenda 10-18-18 wLinks
SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Agenda 10-18-18
SAM Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 9-30-2018

SAM Strategic Planning Goal and Strategic Objectives Worksheet DRAFT KM Revised 10-18-18
SAM Strategic Plan 2018-22 DRAFT Revised 10-18-18

SAM Board Exec Dir Update 10-18-18
Executive Director Strategic Plan Report 1st Qtr 2018-19 10-18-18

SAM Investment/Finance Committee 10-18-18

SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting 10-18-18 DRAFT Minutes
SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting Agenda 10-18-18

SAM New Board Member Orientation Meeting 10-15-18

SAM New Board Member Orientation Agenda 10-15-18
SAM Financial Report FY 17-18 and FY 2018-19 as of 9-30-2018

2017-18 SAM Board Meetings

SAM Board Meeting 6-14-18

SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 6-14-18

Meeting begins at 10:00 am at the SAM Office or via UberConference

SAM Board Meeting Agenda 6-14-18 wLinks
SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Agenda 6-14-18

SAM Board Exec Dir Update 6-14-18
DA Steering Committee Members Updated 4-26-18
SAM 2016 990 IRS Taxes
MASS 2016 990EZ IRS Taxes
MUST SAM May 2018 Update
MQEC June 2018 Update - SAM
2018-19 SAM Bulletin Article Submission Schedule
SAM Business Partnership Request MT Med Ex Form 2017-18

SAM Strategic Planning Presentation 6-14-18
SAM Environmental Scan Results 4-6-18
SAM Strategic Plan Goals & Strategic Objectives Worksheet (Google Doc)

SAM Investment/Finance Committee 6-14-18

SAM Investment Finance Committee Meeting DRAFT Minutes 6-14-18

Meeting begins at 8:00 am at the SAM Office or via UberConference

SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting Agenda 6-14-18

SAM Financial Report FY 16-17 and FY 2017-18 as of 6-1-2018 with Proposed FY 2018-19 Budget
    SAM LPLP FY 13-14 through FY 17-18 Profit-Loss
Investment Committee Balance Report FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18 as of 6-1-17 - Affiliate Breakdown
MASS Financial Report FY 16-17 and FY 2017-18 as of 6-1-18 with Adopted FY 2018-19 Budget
MAEMSP Financial Report FY 16-17 and FY 2017-18 as of 6-1-2018 with Adopted FY 2018-19 Budget
MASSP Financial Report FY 16-17 and FY 2017-18 as of 6-1-2018 with Adopted FY 2018-19 Budget
MCASE Financial Report FY 16-17 and FY 2017-18 as of 6-1-2018 with Proposed FY 2018-19 Budget
META Financial Report FY 16-17 and FY 17-18 as of 6-1-2018 with Adopted FY 2018-19 Budget

MACSS Request of SAM Invest Finance Cmte to Invest in SAM MPF 6-12-18

SAM New Board Member Orientation 6-14-18

Meeting begins at 9:00 am at the SAM Office or via UberConference

SAM New Board Member Orientation Agenda 6-14-18 wLinks
SAM New Board Member Orientation DRAFT Agenda 6-14-18

2018-19 SAM Board of Directors Interim Board Transition Contact Info 6-4-18
2018-19 SAM Executive Board Roster
SAM Employee Handbook - Revised 6-15-17

SAM Board Meeting 4-6-18

SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 4-6-18

SAM Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 4-6-18 wLinks

SAM Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 4-6-18
SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 1-12-18
SAM Executive Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 3-12-18
AZ Financial Statement DRAFT FY 16-17 4-3-18
Eligible Candidates for SAM President-Elect 2018-19
AASA Montana Aspiring Supt Framework DRAFT 3-5-18
SAM Bylaws Proposed Revision to ARTICLE VI – Delegate Assembly for SAM Board Consideration 4-6-18
SAM Youth Endowment - Compiled Results for Board Meeting 4-6-18
SAM Conference App Information for SAM Board
SAM Board Meeting Exec Dir Update 4-6-18
SAM Financial Report FY 16-17 and FY 2017-18 as of 3-31-2018 with Proposed FY 2018-19 Budget
SAM Needs Assessment Data Disaggregated by Affiliate 2018

SAM Executive Board Meeting 3-12-18

SAM Executive Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 3-12-18

SAM Executive Board Meeting Agenda 3-12-18 wLinks
SAM Executive Board Meeting Agenda 3-12-18
SAM Executive Director Evaluation 2018 Executive Summary
SAM Executive Director Evaluation 2018 Ratings without Names
SAM Rationale for Staffing and Compensation 2018-19
SAM Executive Board Meeting Exec Dir Update 3-12-18
Financial Reports with Proposed 2018-19 Budget

LPLP 2018-19 Promotional Presentation.pptx
AASA Montana Aspiring Supt Framework DRAFT 3-5-18
Business Partners 2017-18 by Sponsorship Level 3-1-2018 with Data for SAM BOD
2017-18 SAM Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Statements
SAM Membership Report 2017-18 as of 3-1-18

SAM Board Meeting 1-12-18

SAM Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT Minutes 1-12-18

SAM Board Meeting Agenda 1-12-18 wLinks
SAM Board Meeting Agenda 1-12-18
Click HERE to complete the SAM Board Meeting January 12, 2018 Attendance Check Form
SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 10-19-17

SAM Potential Speaker List for Conferences
SAM Call for Delegate Assembly Positions Resolutions 2018
SAM Delegate Assembly 2018 Notice to Affiliate Presidents to Select Delegates 1-12-18
Business Partners 2017-18 by Sponsorship Level 12-11-2017
Business Partnership Conference Attendance FY 15-16 to FY 17-18
WEF-USA Information and Ambassador Job Description Sheet
MUST MSSF SAM Board Update December 2017
SAM Board Exec Dir Update 1-12-18
Matific - SAM Business Partnership Request Form 2017-18.pdf

SAM Investment/Finance Committee 1-12-18

SAM Investment Finance Committee DRAFT Minutes 1-12-18

SAM Investment Finance Cmte Meeting Agenda 1-12-18

SAM Board Meeting 10-19-17

SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 10-19-17

SAM Board Meeting Agenda 10-19-17 wLinks
SAM Board Meeting Agenda 10-19-17
SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 6-15-17

Bully Prevention Program Link
151 Bully Prevention Understandings and Practices
Request to Reinstitute Voluntary Tax Sheltered 403(b) Plan for SAM
SAM Board Executive Director Update 10-19-17

SAM Investment/Finance Committee 10-12-17

SAM Investment/Finance Committee Meeting DRAFT Minutes 10-12-17

SAM Investment/Finance Committee Meeting Agenda 10-12-17 wLinks

sam financial report fy 16-17 and fy 2017-18 as of 9-30-2017
mcase financial report fy 16-17 and fy 2017-18 as of 9-30-2017.pdf
meta financial report fy 16-17 and fy 17-18 as of 9-30-2017.pdf
sam ai profit-loss historical fy 2015-16 to fy 2017-18.pdf
sam youth endowment profit-loss - fy 2016-17.pdf
sam youth endowment historical profit-loss fy 15-16 - fy 17-18.pdf
sam lplp fy 13-14 through fy 17-18 profit-loss -estimate.pdf
mcel historical profit-loss fy 14-15 -- fy 17-18.pdf

request to reinstitute voluntary tax sheltered 403b plan for sam.pdf
sam 403b plan basic information.pdf
employers plan document for salary reduction only 403b arrangement.pdf

2016-17 SAM Board Meetings

SAM Board Meeting 6-15-2017

SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 6-15-17

SAM Board Meeting Agenda 6-15-17 w links

SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 4-7-17

Old Business
SAM Rationale for Additional .5 FTE Staffing for 2017-18

SAM Delegate Assembly Steering Committee Member Appointments

SAM Youth Endowment Request 6-8-17
SAM Youth Endowment Requested Amount Balance Sheet
SAM Youth Endowment GF Tribune Article 5-30-17

SAM 2015 990
MASS 2015 990-EZ

New Business
2017-18 SAM and Affiliate Proposed Board Meeting Schedule

SAM Business Partnership Request Betterlesson June 2017
Betterlesson Description

SAM Business Partnership Request Brightways Learning June 2017
Brightways Classbright Eval
Brightways Kaleidoscope Connect
Brightways Phlightclub

SAM Employee Handbook - draft return to work add 6-15-17

SAM Board Executive Director Update 6-15-17
  ESSA Accountability System Guide - MT-PEC Response 6-14-17
  ESSA Long Term Goals Guide - MT-PEC Response 6-14-17

SAM Membership 2017-18 Report as of 6-14-17

Medicaid in Schools Toolkit June 2017

SAM Investment/Finance Committee 6-15-17

sam financial report fy 15-16 and fy 16-17 as of 6-5-17 with proposed 2017-18 .5 fte staff
sam financial report fy 15-16 and fy 16-17 as of 6-5-17 with proposed 2017-18
investment committee balance report 2016-17 as of 6-5-17 - affiliate breakdown
investment committee balance report fy 2016-17 as of 6-5-17
mass financial report fy 15-16 and fy 16-17 as of 6-5-17 with proposed 2017-18
massp financial report fy 15-16 and fy 16-17 as of 6-5-17 with proposed 2017-18
maemsp financial report fy 15-16 and fy 16-17 as of 6-5-17 with proposed 2017-18
mcase financial report fy 15-16 and fy 16-17 as of 6-5-17 with proposed 2017-18
meta financial report fy 15-16 and fy 16-17 as of 6-5-17 with fy 17-18 proposed

SAM New Board Member Oriention 6-15-17

SAM New Board Member Orientation Agenda 6-15-17 w Links

2017-18 sam board of directors interim board transition contact info 6-2-17
2017-18 sam board of directors roster
2017-18 executive board roster
sam employee handbook

Additional Information
2017-18 SAM Bulletin Article Submission Schedule
SAM Administrators Institute 2017 ILS Draft Schedule 8-2-17
SAM LPLP Meta-TLE Summit Draft Agenda 7-31-17

SAM Board Meeting 4-7-17

SAM Board Meeting Agenda 4-7-17

SAM Bills Status by Priority Report 4-4-17

SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 1-13-17 

SAM Executive Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 3-12-17

Eligible Candidates for SAM President-Elect 2017-18

SAM Youth Endowment - Compiled Results for SAM Board Meeting 4-7-17

SAM Board Exec Dir Update 4-7-17

SAM Update SAM Board Meeting 4-7-17

SAM Membership 2016-17 as of 3-31-17

2016-17 SAM and Affiliate Board Meeting Schedule

2016-17 SAM Conference - Meeting Schedule

SAM Investment/Finance Committee Meeting 4-7-17

investment committee balance report - 3rd quarter 2016-17
investment committee balance report 2015-16 and 1st-3rd quarter 2016-17 - affiliate breakdown
sam financial report fy 15-16 and 3rd quarter fy 16-17 with proposed 2017-18
mass financial report fy 15-16 and 3rd quarter fy 16-17 with proposed 2017-18
maemsp financial report fy 15-16 and 3rd quarter fy 16-17 with proposed 2017-18
massp financial report fy 15-16 and 3rd quarter fy 16-17 with proposed 2017-18
mcase financial report fy 15-16 and 3rd quarter fy 16-17 with proposed 2017-18
meta financial report fy 15-16 and 3rd quarter fy 16-17 with proposed 2017-18
sam financial review 2015-16 final 6-30-16

SAM Executive Board Meeting 3-12-17

SAM Executive Board Meeting Agenda 3-12-17

  1. SAM Executive Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 3-13-16
    SAM Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes 1-13-17 

  1. NGA ESSA Accountability and State Plan FAQ 3-9-17

  2. Business
    1. Consideration of SAM Leaders Professional Learning Program 2017-18

SAM LPLP 2016-17 Midyear Executive Summary
SAM LPLP FY 13-14 through FY 16-17 Profit-Loss
SAM LPLP 2017-18 Resource Center Video
SAM LPLP 2017-18 Resource Center Unit 1 Demo

  1. Membership Report

  1. 2016-17 SAM and Affiliate Board Meeting Schedule
    2016-17 Conference - Meeting Schedule 

Supporting Materials
SAM Executive Director Evaluation 2017 Executive Summary
SAM Executive Director Evaluation 2017 Rating 3-9-17

SAM Board Meeting Agenda 1-13-17
SAM Annual Business Meeting DRAFT Minutes October 20, 2016
Mega Issue Discussion 
  Topic:  2017 Legislative Session and Advocacy of the SAM Legislative Network
                    SAM Legislative Update 1 1-13-17                     

Old Business

  1. SAM Strategic Plan 2014-16 Update
    Executive Director Strategic Plan Report 2nd Quarter 2016-17
    SAM Strategic Plan 2014-18 with Goals Objectives Knowledge-Based Questions Update 10-19-16
    SAM Board Input into Items that are Benefits Value of SAM Membership 10-19-16
  2. Review of the 2016-17 Montana District/School Leadership Staffing Report


  1. SAM Board Exec Dir Update 1-13-17
  2. SAM Financial Report - Agenda 
  3. Membership Report
  4. Future Meeting Dates

2016-17 SAM Conference - Meeting Schedule
2016-17 SAM and Affiliate Board Meeting Schedule 

SAM Financial Report FY 15-16 and 2nd Quarter FY 16-17
     2016 MCEL Profit-Loss
MASSP Financial Report FY 15-16 and 2nd Quarter FY 16-17
MCASE Financial Report FY 15-16 and 2nd Quarter FY 16-17
META Financial Report FY 15-16 and 2nd Quarter FY 16-17
Investment Committee Balance Report - 2nd Quarter 2016-17
Investment Committee Balance Report 2015-16 and 1st-2nd Quarter 2016-17 - Affiliate Breakdown