SAM and Affiliate Awards
School Administrators of Montana and its six affiliates recognize its members and the community through a variety of awards on both the local, regional and national levels. Nomination information and schedules are posted on each affiliate's website and distributed to the membership throughout the year.
Current Award Opportunities:
- Current Award Opportunities
Nominations are now being accepted for the following awards and scholarships. Who will you nominate to be recognized for their outstanding dedication to the education of the children in their school/district? Please encourage aspiring administrators in your district to apply.
- MCASE Awards
- Applications will be accepted until Friday, March 14, 2025
- MCASE Outstanding Administrator of Special Education Award - This award honors a director who offers innovative and effective programs that have positively influenced the field of special education and have impacted services to exceptional children.
- MCASE Special Education Teacher Award - This award recognizes special education teachers as leaders whose work reflects their own high standards, their respect for the diverse characteristics, and the promotion of learning strengths of individuals with exceptionalities.
- MCASE General Education Teacher Award - This award recognizes general education teachers who embrace diversity in ALL learners including those with exceptionalities.
- Lori Ruffier Legacy Award - This award is given to a special education employee who was recruited through the Montana Schools Recruitment Project, accepted a position, and is employed.
- MCASE Nomination for CASE Awards
- Early Career Special Education Administrator Award Nomination - This award is given to a special education administrator in their first three years administering special education programs.
- Applications will be accepted until Friday, March 14, 2025
- 2024-25 SAM Youth Endowment
- Applications will be accepted until Friday, March 7, 2025
- 2024-25 SAM Youth Endowment - Nominations are being accepted until Friday, March 7, 2025, for the 2024-25 SAM Youth Endowment. The purpose of the SAM Youth Endowment Fund is to make a positive impact on the youth of Montana by providing financial assistance to benefit children’s health, welfare, and/or education. Follow the link for more information and to access the application form.
The criteria for the nominee includes:
- Nominated student must be a Montana youth
- Nominated student must be a K-12 student
- Nominated student must have a financial need, i.e. health concern, family emergency, educational need
- Nominated student must be nominated by a member of SAM
- 2024-25 SAM Youth Endowment - Nominations are being accepted until Friday, March 7, 2025, for the 2024-25 SAM Youth Endowment. The purpose of the SAM Youth Endowment Fund is to make a positive impact on the youth of Montana by providing financial assistance to benefit children’s health, welfare, and/or education. Follow the link for more information and to access the application form.
- Applications will be accepted until Friday, March 7, 2025
SAM Awards
- G.V. Erickson Award: The G.V. Erickson Award is given to a member of the School Administrators of Montana who has made the greatest contribution to the betterment of education in Montana; something that G.V. did throughout his career. This is the most honored award a Montana school administrator Montana can receive.
- Erdie Memorial Scholarship: A Dr. Jay Erdie Memorial Mentor Scholarship for $1000 will be awarded annually to a deserving educator. The purpose of the scholarship is to train and mentor new Montana school administrators. The scholarship will be awarded to a school administration candidate who plans to begin and/or complete his/her administrative credentials and intends to work in a Montana school district. Once the candidate has secured a position and notified the SAM office, a trained mentor will be provided through the SAM Leaders Professional Learning Program to assist during his/her first year on the job.
- MASS/AASA Superintendent of the Year
- MASS Regional Superintendents of the Year
- MASS School Board of the Year: The purpose of the award is to recognize and focus attention on the dedicated and ethical service rendered by school boards to the children of Montana. Nominations for the MASS School Board Awards may be submitted by any Montana Superintendent of Schools. The MASS Executive Board recommends that each of the nine regions submit a nomination. Two Outstanding School Boards in Montana may be chosen. The winners will be announced at the annual MCEL meeting in October.
- MASS AASA Conference Incentive Award: The Montana Association of School Superintendents Incentive Award Program is intended to provide a special opportunity for MASS members to attend the AASA National Conference on Education (NCE) that will be held in New Orleans, March 6 - 8, 2025.
MASSP Principal of the Year - This award recognizes outstanding secondary principals who have succeeded in providing high-quality learning opportunities for students as well as demonstrating exemplary contributions to the profession. An eligible candidate must have been an active principal for at least three consecutive years.
- NASSP Conference Incentive Award - The award is offered to one member and will consist of paid registration to the Conference and round-trip airfare to the site of the Conference. The date/location of the 2025 National Principals Conference is July 11-13, Seattle, WA.
- MASSP Community Partner in Education - The Community Partner in Education Award is presented to a private citizen outside of the professional educational organization who is always there to support education and youth through his/her involvement in activities or projects that truly impact the schools and communities. The recipient is announced and recognized at the Montana Principals Conference in January.
- MASSP Future Administrator Scholarship - MASSP offers a Future Administrators Scholarship in the amount of $1,100.00 to a graduate student in at least the second semester of an approved course of study for the Master of Education Leadership Degree. The candidate cannot be financially supported by a school district, cannot receive both the MAEMSP and MASSP scholarships, and must intend to continue working in Montana. The candidate must have completed three years of successful teaching in middle school, high school, or counseling experience and hold a current Montana certificate.
- MAEMSP/NAESP National Distinguished Principal - The NDP program recognizes excellence in elementary and middle level school leadership and is sponsored by NAESP. It was established in 1984 to recognize elementary and middle level principals who set high standards for instruction, student achievement, character and climate for the students, families and staffs in their learning communities.
- Adrian Langstaff Award - This award is one of the highest recognitions that can be given to a deserving member of MAEMSP. The award is in the name and memory of Adrian Langstaff. Adrian was an outstanding elementary principal who was a very recognized leader in his school, community and state
- NAESP Conference Incentive Award - This award is given to an MAEMSP member who has never attended an NAESP Conference. The 2025 NAESP Pre-K–8 Principals Conferences will be held July 11-13, 2025 in Seattle, WA. The recipient will receive: Paid registration to the National Conference, paid round trip airfare to the conference.
- MAEMSP Aspiring Principal Scholarship Award - MAEMSP provides an annual Scholarship/Incentive Grant of $800 to a student successfully applying to or currently enrolled in an approved course of study for the Masters of Education Leadership Degree. The applicant must have completed three years of successful teaching in elementary or middle school education (K-8) and hold a current Montana Class II teaching certificate.
- MAEMSP Friends of Education Award - This award is given to any person in the community who has gone above and beyond with duties that support and promote public education. The recipient of this award must be a private citizen that is outside the professional educational field.
- MAEMSP Appreciation Award - This award is given to an individual, organization, or business that has provided outstanding support to the Montana Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals.
- META Technologist of the Year - The Montana Educational Technologists Association (META) presents the Montana K-12 School Technologist of the Year Program. This award was established to recognize the fine achievements and successes of a Montana K-12 School Technologist at the State level. Eligible candidates for this award must be current META members.
- META Empowered Superintendent of the Year - The Montana Educational Technologists Association (META) presents the META Empowered Superintendent of the Year Award Program. This award is established to recognize a school superintendent that consistently and passionately provides educational technology leadership, support, understanding, and guidance in working with their school technologist(s) to create a successful and efficient network of tech-supported education for all students within their district. In order for the superintendent to be nominated, he/she must be a member of the Montana Association of School Superintendents (MASS).
- MACSS County Superintendent of the Year Award
- MACSS Rural Teacher of the Year
- MCASE Outstanding Administrator of Special Education Award - This award honors a director who offers innovative and effective programs that have positively influenced the field of special education and have impacted services to exceptional children.
- MCASE Special Education Teacher Award - This award recognizes special education teachers as leaders whose work reflects their own high standards, their respect for diverse characteristics, and the promotion of learning strengths of individuals with exceptionalities.
- MCASE General Education Teacher Award - This award recognizes general education teachers who embrace diversity in ALL learners including those with exceptionalities.
- Lori Ruffier Legacy Award - This award is given to a special education employee who was recruited through the Montana Schools Recruitment Project, accepted a position, and is employed.
- MCASE Nomination for CASE Awards
- Early Career Special Education Administrator Award Nomination - This award is given to a special education administrator in their first three years administering special education programs.
2024 G.V. Erickson Award
SAM) is proud to announce that Jim Baldwin has been named the 2024-25 recipient of the esteemed G.V. Erickson Award. Baldwin was honored at the annual Montana Conference of Education Leadership (MCEL) held in October in Missoula. This prestigious award is presented to a SAM member who has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to advancing education and supporting students across Montana.
Jim Baldwin’s career in education spans more than four decades, during which he has served as a superintendent, mentor, coach, and advocate for rural education. Known for his dedication to Montana’s rural districts, Baldwin has been a consistent leader, stepping in as an interim superintendent in various districts, including Wolf Point, North Star, Choteau, Gardiner, and most recently Twin Bridges. In recent years, he has also mentored aspiring administrators through his work with Rocky Mountain College.
Baldwin’s contributions extend well beyond his administrative roles. As a member of numerous educational organizations, he has held various leadership positions and always volunteers to help wherever needed. His passion for education extends beyond administration; he’s written articles on rural school challenges, advocated for small schools, and even hosted a radio show to engage community members. His commitment to public service and his advocacy for rural education have earned him wide respect throughout Montana’s education community.
Dr. Rob Watson, SAM Executive Director, stated, “Jim Baldwin has dedicated his career to supporting Montana’s students, educators, and communities. His willingness to go the extra mile has left a lasting impact on countless communities, organizations, and educators. We are happy to honor Jim with this award, the highest recognition we bestow at SAM.”
The G.V. Erickson Award, named after a legendary Montana school administrator who devoted his career to education, recognizes Baldwin’s unwavering service and outstanding contributions to the field. SAM and the entire Montana education community congratulate Jim Baldwin on receiving this well-deserved honor.
Past G.V. Erickson Award Recipients
1975 | Milt Negus | 2000 | Conrad Robertson | 2022 | Doug Reisig |
1977 | C. Buzz Christiansen | 2001 | John McNeil | 2023 | Dave Wick |
1978 | Jim Turner | 2002 | Rachel Vielleux | 2024 | Dennis Parman |
1980 | Cliff Harmala | 2003 | Dr. Kirk Miller | 2025 | Jim Baldwin |
1981 | Bob Souhrada | 2004 | Dr. Fred Anderson | ||
1982 | Don MacLennan | 2005 | Dr. Bruce Messinger | ||
1983 | Edith Harper | 2006 | Pat Hould | ||
1985 | Chris Mattocks | 2007 | Brian Patrick | ||
1986 | Wally Vinnedge | 2008 | Leonard Orth | ||
1987 | Paul Casey Stengel | 2009 | Larry Crowder | ||
1988 | Jacob Block | 2010 | Dr. Doug Reising | ||
1989 | Roger Eble | 2011 | Jack Copps | ||
1990 | John Fero | 2012 | Ron Whitmoyer | ||
1991 | Dennis Kraft | 2013 | Jule Walker | ||
1992 | Vivan Scoles | 2014 | Dr. Bruce Whitehead | ||
1993 | Dr. Ernie Jean | 2015 | Rick Duncan | ||
1994 | Dr. Peter Carparelli | 2016 | Dr. Rob Watson | ||
1995 | James Wood | 2017 | Tammy Lacey | ||
1996 | Craig Brewington | 2018 | Dr. Laurie Barron | ||
1997 | Kathleen Lockyer | 2019 | Dr. Darlene Schottle | ||
1998 | Dr. J. Jay Erdie | 2020 | Tobin Novasio |
About Mr. Erickson
Mr. G. V. Erickson was born in Moorhead, Minnesota in 1911 where he attended elementary, high school and college. G. V. graduated from Concordia College in 1934 with a major in biology and a double minor in German and physical education. Mr. Erickson completed graduated work at the University of Montana, Montana State University, and Carroll College prior to receiving a Masters Degree in School Administration from the University of Minnesota in 1945. At his first teaching position G. V. was a principal, coach, and a math and science instructor in New Leipzig, North Dakota for three years. G. V. then went to Brockton as a science and math instructor and coach in 1937. After two years he became superintendent and held that position for three years. He then moved to Glasgow where he was a principal of the junior/senior high school. G. V. then moved to Havre for three years as high school principal. In 1948 G. V. moved to Helena as elementary principal of the Bryant, Lincoln, Hawthorn, and Broadwater schools. In 1955 he set up the first Helena Junior High School and was principal there through 1959. In 1959 he moved to Montana State University in Bozeman as the Director of Student Teaching. G. V. held this position for 10 years, and when the Department of Education became the College of Education in 1967, he became the Head of the Department of Secondary Education and Foundations. He held this position until he retired in 1973.
Along with his regular position at MSU, G. V. was offered an additional challenge in education. At the first meeting of the joint organization of MASA-MAESP-MASSP held in Billings in 1971, he was asked b the newly formed Executive Board to become the organization’s first executive secretary. G. V. held this part-time position in addition to his work at Montana State University. He was SAM’s Executive Secretary for the first six years of his existence.
Also G. V. became a life member of MEA in 1937, the NEA in 1940, the NAESP in 1953, and was also a life member of the MASSP.
The term nice guy was created for G. V. Erickson. He had a great compassion for educators and students. G. V.’s motivational speeches, which accompanied his annual report to administrators, will never be forgotten.
Mr. G. V. Erickson passed away a few short days before the annual G. V. Erickson Award was presented at the Fall Conference in 1996.
Jay Erdie Memorial Scholarship
Dr. John Jay Erdie was a Montana School Superintendent who was well known for his efforts in mentoring promising educators into becoming school administrators. He realized the value of training and retaining quality principals and superintendents.
A Dr. Jay Erdie Memorial Mentor Scholarship in the amount of $1000 will be awarded annually to a deserving educator. The purpose of the scholarship is to train and mentor new Montana school administrators.
The scholarship will be awarded to a school administration candidate who plans to begin and/or complete his/her administrative credentials and intends to work in a Montana school district. Once the candidate has secured a position and notified the SAM office, a trained mentor will be provided through SAM’s Mentor Program to assist during his/her first year on the job.
The award is sponsored by School Administrators of Montana, Montana Unified School Trust, and the Erdie Family.
2024 Jay Erdie Memorial Scholarship Recipient
The Dr.Jay Erdie Memorial Mentor Scholarship is co-sponsored by the Erdie family, the Montana Unified School Trust, and the School Administrators of Montana. The award is provided to an administration candidate who plans to begin or complete their administrative credentials and intends to work in Montana. The award is named after Dr. John Jay Erdie, who was a Montana School Superintendent well known for his efforts in mentoring promising educators to become school administrators.
This year’s recipient of the Jay Erdie Memorial Mentor Scholarship will receive a $ 1,000 scholarship to assist in completing their education leadership program and will participate in the SAM Leaders Professional Learning Program once they secure their first administrator position.
James Kapptie, superintendent at Ekalaka Public Schools, earned his bachelor's degree from MSU-Billings and his Masters degree in Educational Leadership from Rocky Mountain College. He is currently working toward his superintendent endorsement.
James believes that this is an incredible time to be an educator and to have an opportunity to play an important role in what education will look like in the next decade in terms of quality and experience for students. He hopes to have a positive lifelong impact on students, teachers and stakeholders.