School Administrators of Montana

META Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2024 META Awards!  Nominations must be submitted by Friday, February 23, 2024.

Nomination Forms:

2023 META Technologist of the Year

The Montana Educational Technologists Association (META) presents the Montana K-12 School Technologist of the Year Program. This award is established to recognize the fine achievements and successes of a Montana K-12 School Technologist (Tech Coordinator, Tech Director, Tech Specialist, etc) at the State level. Eligible candidates for this award must be META members.

Elaine Higuera
Technology Director, Target Range School District

2023 META Empowered Superintendent of the Year

Amy Piazzola
Superintendent, Cayuse Prairie School District

The Montana Educational Technologists Association (META) presents the first META Empowered Superintendent of the Year Award Program (not to be confused with the MASS/AASA Superintendent of the Year). The META Board of Directors felt this type of award should be established to recognize a school superintendent who consistently and passionately provides educational technology leadership, support, understanding and guidance in working with their school technologist(s) to create a successful and efficient system of technology supported education.

In order for the superintendent to be considered for this award, he/she should demonstrate the following criteria:

  1. Must be a current Superintendent in the State of Montana and be a member of the Montana Association of School Superintendents (MASS).
  2. Has worked to effectively integrate the use of technology in the day-to-day operation of their educational organization.
  3. Ensures that technology resources are equitably distributed among students and staff.  Works hard for adequate funding for instructional technology.
  4. Has worked to develop professional development as a component of every technology initiative as well as working to adequately fund that professional development into the future.
  5. Demonstrates exceptional Leadership and vision in the development and implementation of a district-wide technology plan.  Follows up on the progress of that plan.
  6. Exhibits a thorough understanding of the role of technology in education and can articulate that understanding to all school district stakeholders. Continues to seek out new ways of integrating instructional technology by working with teachers and staff.
  7. Provides exceptional leadership in supporting the integration of technology into the curriculum and is always looking forward for new integration paths.
  8. Demonstrates exceptional vision in employing technology to streamline school district business operations.
  9. Demonstrates curiosity and open-mindedness in considering emerging technologies and weighing non-traditional solutions to traditional problems.  Works with all stakeholders on possible new innovations in instructional technology.
  10. Thinks creatively and strategically about the long-term challenges and opportunities of technology in the school district and in education at large.

Past META Technologists of the Year
Al Simons, Bonner School District2022
Carol Phillips, Elder Grove School District2021
Brad Somers, Bozeman Public Schools2020
Kelly Veis, Havre Public Schools2019
Brian Norwood, Lolo Public Schools2018
Russ Hendrickson, Missoula County Public Schools2017
Mindy Obert, Sweet Grass County High School2016

Past META Empowered Superintendents of the Year
Wade Johnson, Cut Bank School District2022
Heather Davis Schmidt, Target Range Elementary2021
Nathan Schmitz, Elder Grove Schools2020
Laurie Barron, Evergreen Elementary2019
Jim Howard, Bonner Elementary2018