School Administrators of Montana

META Membership Benefits

New Members Join Here:  META Membership Form

 2024-25 Member Benefits 

Programs Include: 

  • CoSN (Consortium for School Networking) Membership and Access to CoSN Website Materials
  • Opportunity for earning a Trusted Learning Environment Seal - a data privacy seal for school systems, focused on building a culture of trust and transparency.
  • SAM Administrator Institute (June) 
  • Montana Conference of Education Leadership (October)
  • Tech Talks       
  • Regional Technologist/Administrator Meetings (Nine Different Regions) scheduled throughout the year.
  • META Listserv
  • MetaTech Free Listserv
  • Reduced Registration Fee for Annual METAtechED Conference and Membership Meeting - March 13-14, 2023 in Helena, MT

Publications Include:

  • Monthly SAM Bulletin (Electronic)
  • Annual SAM Administrative Director (Electronic)
  • Weekly SAM Updates (Electronic)

Services Include:

  • State and Federal Lobbying Network
  • SAM Delegate Assembly
  • Technology/Administrator Networks

META's Four Levels of Membership*

Active Membership  -- $285.oo

  • Individuals who are directly responsible for performing technical services within a public or private PK-12 institution.

Honorary Membership -- $95.00

  • This membership is only provided to those who are vetted by the Executive Committee.

Senior Membership -- $35.oo

  • Active members who retire are eligible for Senior Membership status. These members shall have all rights/privileges of active membership except as prescribed in Article II, Section 1.

Student Membership -- $35.oo

  • Any student sponsored by an active member shall be eligible for student membership. Student members are entitled to all privileges of META except to vote and hold office.

*Membership in META automatically includes membership to the School Administrators of Montana (SAM).

Join Here:  New META Membership Form