School Administrators of Montana


About META


"Educational technologists united for the purpose of advocating for and 

supporting the visions, policies, practices, and funding for technology within all

aspects of teaching, learning, and professional productivity. "


Educate and Influence:
Educate and influence decisions on educational processes at the school, district, state and federal level.

Best Practices:
Collaborate to share technology solutions and best practices in education.

Professional Community:
Develop a community to provide professional growth, productive relationships and mutual respect among members.

META members:  It is time to create your CoSN account.  
Click HERE for instructions.

2024-25 Member Benefits

Programs Include: 

  • CoSN (Consortium for School Networking) Membership and Access to CoSN Website Materials
  • Opportunity for earning a Trusted Learning Environment Seal - a data privacy seal for school systems, focused on building a culture of trust and transparency.
  • SAM Administrator Institute (June) 
  • Montana Conference of Education Leadership (October)
  • Tech Talks       
  • Regional Technologist/Administrator Meetings (Nine Different Regions) scheduled throughout the year.
  • META Listserv
  • MetaTech Free Listserv
  • Reduced Registration Fee for Annual METAtechED Conference and Membership Meeting - March 13-14, 2023 in Helena, MT

Publications Include:

  • Monthly SAM Bulletin (Electronic)
  • Annual SAM Administrative Director (Electronic)
  • Weekly SAM Updates (Electronic)

Services Include:

  1. State and Federal Lobbying Network
  2. SAM Delegate Assembly
  3. Technology/Administrator Networks

META's Four Levels of Membership*

  • Active Membership  -- $285.oo
    • Individuals who are directly responsible for performing technical services within a public or private PK-12 institution.

  • Honorary Membership -- $95.00
    • This membership is only provided to those who are vetted by the Executive Committee.

  • Senior Membership -- $35.oo
    • Active members who retire are eligible for Senior Membership status. These members shall have all rights/privileges of active membership except as prescribed in Article II, Section 1.

  • Student Membership -- $35.oo
    • Any student sponsored by an active member shall be eligible for student membership. Student members are entitled to all privileges of META except to vote and hold office.

*Membership in META automatically includes membership to the School Administrators of Montana (SAM).

Join Here: New META Membership Form