School Administrators of Montana


Montana Council of Administrators of Special Education (MCASE)

Members of the Montana Council of Administrators of Special Education administer, direct, supervise, and/or coordinate a program, school or class of special education for exceptional children or are members of a college faculty whose major responsibility is the professional preparation of administrators of special education.

Mission of MCASE

The Montana Council of Administrators for Special Education (MCASE) is the local affiliate of CASE.  The Council of Administrators for Special Education (CASE) is an international professional educational organization whose members are dedicated to the enhancement of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of each individual in society.  Special education embraces the right to a free appropriate public education.

The mission of the Council of Administrators of Special Education is to provide leadership and support to members by shaping policies and practices which impact the quality of education. (From the national website

In Montana, the MCASE organization provides the platform for our state’s administrators to join together to endorse the mission of our parent organization. The organization establishes a personal, workable framework for special education professionals to interact for training/education, networking and in striving to improve special education service delivery at the Montana level.

MCASE Membership Information

2024-25 Member Benefits              
Membership period is from July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025

Dues should be sent directly to SAM, not to CEC. Contributions or gifts to SAM are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, dues payments may be deductible by members as an ordinary and necessary business expense.

Full Active MCASE Membership (Full CEC+CASE+SAM): $410
Basic MCASE Membership: (Basic CEC+CASE+SAM): $355
Student MCASE Member: (Basic CEC+CASE+SAM): $303
University Faculty/Retired MCASE Member: (Basic CEC+CASE+SAM): $250

ACTIVE/Full MCASE MEMBERSHIP is open to anyone who (a) is a current member of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and (b) Council for Administrators of Special Education (CASE) Division. They currently administer, direct, supervise special education staff, and/or coordinate special education programs, or are administrator of an independent school that provides specialized programs for students with disabilities (e.g. MSDB), or college/university faculty whose major responsibility is the professional preparation of administrators of special education or special education providers, (e.g. Special Ed teachers, SLPs, School Psychologists). Active membership entitles the member to attend all meetings, to vote on all questions presented to the membership, and to hold office.

BASIC MCASE MEMBERSHIP is open to any member who (a) is a current member of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and (b) Council for Administrators of Special Education (CASE) Division. This includes general education administrators without special education supervision endorsement, special education coordinators who currently have responsibility for the coordination of special education programs, implementation and supervision of the delivery of special education programs consistent with State and Federal guidance, or supervises special education.

STUDENT MCASE MEMBERSHIP is open to individuals who are post their Masters program in special education administration programs or the Special Education Supervision Endorsement. Members who have temporary, Class 5, endorsement and who are employed in the role of coordination special education programs, the implementation and supervision of the delivery of special education programs consistent with State and Federal guidance, or supervises special education staff.

University/Retired MCASE Membership shall be available to those who have retired from their role. College and University Faculty who are responsible for the instruction of general education teachers and/or special education staff in designated preparation programs (e.g. Special Ed Teacher, SLPs, OTs, School Psychologists, General Education Administration Programs). Retired life members may enjoy all privileges of Basic Membership, except that of holding elected office and voting on action items before the membership. They may serve on committees.

MCASE is an associate member of SAM and the membership year shall run from July 1 to June 30.

Member Insurance Program - Trust for Insuring Educators

FullBasicStudentUniversity Faculty/Retired

SAM Administrators InstituteXXXX
Montana Conference of Educational Leadership (MCEL)XXXX
Montana Council of Administrators of Special Educations
Fall Conference
Region Directors MeetingsXXXX
National ConventionXXXX
Monthly SAM Bulletin
Annual SAM Directory
Weekly SAM UpdateXXXX
State and Federal Lobbying NetworkXXXX
Professional DevelopmentXXXX
Colleague NetworksXXXX

CEC Benefits

All Recorded Webinars Available in
CEC's Online Learning Library

Print Copies "TEACHING Exceptional Children"X

Print Copies "Exceptional Children"X

CEC's Online
Learning Library

Recorded "Quick Takes" Video SeriesX

Online Access to "TEACHING Exceptional Children"X

Online Access to "Exceptional Children"X

Access to Networking Through the
All-Member Forum

Access to Join Special Interest DivisionsX

Membership in State/Provincial Local UnitX

Preferred Member Pricing on Insurance ProgramX

Access to the CEC Career Center, the Largest Job Bank
Devoted Exclusively to Special

Special Education TODAY"
Weekly e-Newsletter