School Administrators of Montana

MASSP Member Benefits

2024-25 Member Benefits

 Membership period is from July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025

2024-25 Membership Pricing:

  •  MASSP/NASSP Joint Membership:   $510.00
    •     (Joint Membership is required for new members)          
  • MASSP/NASSP Retired:  $  90.00  
    •    (Requires previous NASSP membership)                           
  •  MASSP Aspiring (State only):  $  70.00                                                                             


 Membership Automatically includes Membership into School Administrators of Montana (SAM) 

 SAM Benefits   Join    Retired   Aspiring
 SAM Administrators Institute x
 Montana Conference on Education Leadership (MCEL)xxx
 Montana Association of Secondary  School  Principals  Spring  Conferencexxx
 Region Directors Meetings x x x
 National Convention x x x
 Monthly SAM Bulletin x x x
 Annual SAM Directory (Electronic) x x x
 Weekly SAM Update (Electronic) x x x
 State and Federal Lobbying Network x x x
 Colleague Networks x x x

 National Association of  Secondary  School  Principals (NASSP)  Benefits Joint       Retired Aspiring
 Member Rate for  Conference/Meetings x
 Principal Leadership Magazine x

 Principal's Research Review     Newsletter


 NewsLeader Newspaper x x
 Principal's UpdateE-newsletter x x
 Middle Level Leader E-newsletter x  x 
 AP Insight E-newsletter x  x 
 Members Only Online Services x  x 
 Member Rate for  Publications/Merchandise x x
 $1 Million Liability Coverage ($2 Million liability coverage for  members of  unified states) x    x **
 Up to $10,000 for Legal Fee  Reimbursement x **
 $5,000 Accidental Death Policy x

 Low Cost Life Insurance***         x***         x***

 * Unified states are AK, HI, ID, MD, MS,MT, NM, PA, RI, TN, VA, WA, WV, WY. 

 **Coverage for claims based on incidents that occurred while an active Individual member.

 ***Services offered at an additional cost

NASSP Membership Classifications are as follows:

Individual-Open to all individuals engaged in the practice or supervision of middle level and/or high school administration.  Membership cannot be transferred and is not refundable. 

Retired-Open to previous active members who have retired and no longer hold an administrative position.  Membership is nontransferable.