School Administrators of Montana



Montana Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals (MAEMSP):

MAEMSP is the state affiliate for the national organization, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). 

MAEMSP works to recruit, mentor and maintain aspiring, practicing, and retired administrators. The organization also works to promote and facilitate quality professional development as well as maintaining recognition as an authority in children’s educational issues and continues to be an actively involved state and national voice. MAEMSP builds positive relationships with the entire learning community, including not just students, but parents, school personnel, communities, and businesses. 

NAESP believes the child is the focal point of the educational program and that education in society must assist each child to realize his or her potential as a functioning and contributing member of that society. The Association believes that each child should have an equal opportunity to attain self-realization. 

The National Association of Elementary School Principals further believes that the elementary and middle-level school is the foundation of all educational efforts on behalf of the child, and that the primary responsibility for the development of an effective program in each elementary and middle-level school is vested in the principal.

Mission of MAEMSP

The Mission of the MAEMSP is to strengthen student achievement by building and engaging a trusting and involved community.

For more information about NAESP, follow this link

2024-25 Member Benefits

Membership period is from July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025

2024-25 Membership Pricing:

     MAEMSP/NAESP Active Membership $ 479.00
     MAEMSP/NAESP Retired $ 110.00
     MAEMSP/NAESP Aspiring $ 149.00
     MAEMSP/NAESP Emeritus $ 167.00

SAM BenefitsActiveRetiredAspiringEmeritus
Sam Administrators InstituteXXXX
Montana Conference on Education Leadership (MCEL)XXXX
Montana Association of Elementary and Middle
School Principals Spring Conference
Regional Directors MeetingsXXXX
National ConventionXXXX
Monthly SAM BulletinXXXX
Annual SAM Directory (Electronic)XXXX
Weekly SAM Update (Electronic)XXXX
State and Federal Advocacy NetworkXXXX
NAESP Benefits - (click to view benefits)

Discounts on National Conference RegistrationXXXX
Discount on American Student Council Association MembershipX

Member Insurance Program - Trust for Insuring EducatorsXX

Connections and networking opportunities in person and online,
including the Principal2Principal online community
Access to grant opportunities from the NAESP Foundation - for
Breakfast in the Classroom, playgrounds, book fairs, and more

Job postings nationwideXXXX
Free membership in AARP and NRTA
Principal Magazine subscription-5/yearXXXX
Communicator-Practical resources for you, your teachers, 
and your school delivered via email-12/yr
Before the Bell education news updates-2/weekXXXX
Report to Parents monthly handout (Produced in English
and Spanish, delivered in downloadable format)
Access to free webinars created by NAESP and partnersXXXX
Free online learning from PD 360XXXX
Access to searchable archives of webinars, Principal magazine,
research white papers, and other publications
Discounts on books, products, and online PD offered via the
National Principal Resource Center
Access to Principal's Helpline-confidential advice from
our nationally certified mentors
Leadership and involvement opportunities in NAESPXXXX
$2 Million in individual professional liability insurance coverageX

Job Protection legal defense-up to $10,000 based on continuous
years of membership

Representation on Capitol Hill-protecting your interests in school
funding, education policy, and legislative issues