School Administrators of Montana

MACSS Strategic Plan

MACSS Strategic Plan 2016

MACSS Core Purpose:

The purpose of MACSS is to assist in the promotion of the general educational welfare of our state and respective counties.  In general, this is achieved by the following Core Values:

  1. Professionalism, Integrity, and Leadership
  2. Advocacy
  3. Professional Learning & Services

Vivid Descriptions:

  • MACSS members are instructional leaders who work collaboratively with OPI, boards of trustees, educators, business managers and communities to provide the highest quality of education in our respective counties and the state.
  • MACSS is an organization affiliate of SAM and NREA who actively participate in the development and promotion of legislation and the securing of funding to aid all students in achieving their maximum potential through opportunity and resources.
  • MACSS has established effective networking, mentoring, and collaboration with members and other stakeholders including SAM to promote our core values – leadership, integrity, professionalism, advocacy, and professional learning.
  • MACSS provides professional develop to our members to assist them in improving the services provided to our respective counties.
  • MACSS’s effort creates a positive perception that Montana schools are able to actively engage students through appropriate resources to graduate college and career ready.

MACSS Goals and Strategic Objectives:

  1. Professionalism, Integrity, and Leadership: 

1.1.    MACSS promotes and models the highest levels of professional, integrity, and leadership within the organization by:

1.1.1.   Providing leadership opportunities for those serving as MACSS officers.

1.1.2.   Maintaining partnerships in state educational associations (MSSA, MACO, MTSBA, MASBO, NREA, and SAM affiliates) to offer training, leadership, and access to educational policy.

1.1.3.   Promoting the professionalism, ethics, and integrity of MACSS members.

1.1.4.   Working to engage members and to provide guidance, training, and mentoring.

1.2.    MACSS promotes and models the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, and leadership throughout the counties and State of Montana by:

1.2.1.   Increasing recruitment and retention of quality rural school principals and educators.

1.2.2.   Providing empowerment, opportunity, mentoring, and training to educators, including but not limited to, the Montana Rural Teacher of the Year.

1.2.3.   Providing and modeling leadership at the local, state, and national levels.

1.2.4.   Providing general supervision of the schools of the counties as listed in the Montana State Constitution, Montana Code Annotated and Administrative Rule.

1.2.5.   Providing guidance to rural school trustees and school clerks.

1.2.6.   Providing leadership specific to each individual county setting.

1.2.7.   Promoting the general educational welfare of the students of Montana.

1.2.8.   Acting as a liaison between educational associations, local government entities, and individuals by providing fair, open, honest, consistent, and impartial communication.

  1. Advocacy:

2.1.    MACSS serves as a voice for the children of Montana.

2.2.    MACSS promotes the general welfare of students and the value of education in our State and respective counties.

2.3.    MACSS is an active participant with organizations within SAM and MT-PEC to help identify and address current concerns and issues for the betterment of education.

2.4.    MACSS is a voice for school at the Montana State Legislature, especially regarding school finance and school law.

  1. Professional Learning & Services:

3.1.    MACSS invites all County Superintendents to join our association and supports part-time and combined offices to maintain consistency and build relationships across counties.

3.2.    MACSS facilitates networking through the SAM website, list-serve, and other technology by organizing information and resources to allow for ease of retrieval.

3.3.    MACSS offers mentoring, model practices, and expertise to new members by:

3.3.1.   Assigning a mentor to new County Superintendents.

3.3.2.   Offering training for new County Superintendents at conferences.

3.3.3.   Providing new members with an updated County Superintendent manual.

3.4.    MACSS provides professional development to its members by:

3.4.1.   Offering spring and fall conferences annually.

3.4.2.   Holding regional meetings.

3.4.3.   Attending MSSA professional development workshops.

3.4.4.   Reporting on training and knowledge gained from attendance at our affiliates’ meetings.

Drafted March 2016 during the MACSS Spring Conference.