School Administrators of Montana

Visionary leaders united in providing, advocating, and creating education excellence for Montana students!

SAM was organized as an association of administrators in 1971.  SAM represents the interests, aspirations, and professional leadership of Montana administrators. Over 1000 members network under six affiliate associations to promote GREAT Montana Schools, supporting leaders passion for providing an outstanding education to Montana's children!

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Recent News

Register for the Public Education Day on 1/29/25

Public Education Day is Wednesday, January 29, and is the first opportunity for trustees, school staff, and administrators to travel to Helena to connect with legislators and advocate...

Applications Now Being Accepted for the SAM Youth Endowment

Nominations are being accepted until Friday, March 7, 2025, for the 2024-25 SAM Youth Endowment. The purpose of the SAM Youth Endowment Fund is to make a positive impact on the youth...

Register for the SAM Legislative Network 2025

Join the SAM Legislative Network (SAMLN) and Amplify Your Voice in Education Policies

The upcoming legislative session is just around the corner, and the role of the School Administrators...

SAM Update 11-15-24

Hello SAM Members,

Thank you to all those who participated in our webinar this week. The topic of IEFA implementation continues to be a focus for schools as evident by the requirements...

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Upcoming Events

C MASS Meeting

Central Regional MASS Meting - Lewistown

SE MASS Meeting

SE Regional MASS Meeting - Miles City

SAM Monthly Webinar

Thursday, February 13, 10:00 AM:  SAM Monthly Webinar - Navigating Difficult Conversations with Caitlin Sullivan of Leading Now This engaging session is tailored...

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